Memorial Healthcare System
Memorial Healthcare System serves uninsured individuals residing in South Broward County by providing primary and specialty care as well as prevention services to uninsured and underserved neighborhoods. (Approximately 6,500+ participants)

Broward Health
Broward Health provides charity care through its financial assistance program to uninsured patients who permanently reside within Broward Health’s residential boundaries and who have received emergency and other medically necessary services for which no other funding source exists. (Approximately 10,400+ participants)

Health Care District of Palm Beach
The Health Care District of Palm Beach County administers the District Cares specialty benefits for eligible patients. The specialty benefits are available to uninsured residents of Palm Beach County who do not qualify for any other public assistance health coverage program and who meet income and residency requirements. (Approximately 4,800+ Participants)

Jackson Health System
Jackson Health System (JHS) is a vitally important, publicly funded health system serving the Miami-Dade community. For over 100 years, Jackson Memorial Hospital has served as the major source of care for the county’s large uninsured, low-income population. Jackson’s charity care for uninsured county residents are eligible for the Jackson Prime financial assistance program, which entitles county residents to free or reduced-cost care at JHS, based on a sliding income scale. (Approximately 30,000 to 50,000 participants)